Magazines: Men's Health - Audience

Read the Men's Health Media Pack in full to get a good idea of the demographics and psychographics for the Men's Health target audience then answer the following questions:

1) How does the magazine introduce itself?

The magazine introduces itself by stating that it's the biggest men's lifestyle magazine in the UK and worldwide. It also states what the magazine consists of: health, wellbeing, nutrition features, fashion, grooming, watches, tech, and travel.

2) What does the introduction suggest about the representation of masculinity in Men's Health?
The introduction suggests that Men's Health's view of masculinity is a man who is cautious about taking great care of his body and who is wealthy enough to spend money on luxuries. 

3) How do the print statistics for Men's Health compare to GQ and Esquire?

The statistics for Men's Health magazine outrun the statistics for GQ and EQ by a lot. (As shown above)

4) What is the difference between circulation and readership?

Circulation is a count of how many copies of the magazine are made and distributed, whereas, readership is an estimate of how many readers the magazine generated in a time period. 

5) What is the circulation of Men's Health in thousands? What about the readership for ABC1 men? AB men?
Circulation- 180K

Readership ABC1 men- 643K
Readership AB men- 321K
6) How do readers generally interact with the digital version of the magazine?

Readers usually interact with the digital version of the magazine via mobile- 68% compared with 11% on tablet and 21% on desktop.

7) How many people do Men's Health reach across social media platforms?
Over one million.

8) What is the audience profile for Men's Health readers? 
~They are affluent, 
intelligent and successful
905K are ABC1, aged 25-44
~ 700K have a degree
~ 200K earn over £50K

9) What is the Men's Health fashion philosophy? How much do Men's Health readers collectively spend on fashion?

Their philosophy of fashion is that it should be: stylish, contemporary, wearable and individual. Men's Health readers collectively spend £1.1bn on fashion each year. (That is 3 times more than GQ)

10) What is the average watch collection value for the Men's Health audience? What do the statistics about watches suggest about the Men's Health audience demographics and psychographics?  

The average watch collection value is worth £4,123. The Men's Health readers plan to spend £3,201 on next watch. This suggests that the audience of Men's Health is quite wealthy with a demographic of mainly AB. Furthermore, they are people who can be seen as succeeders.

11) What percentage of Men's Health readers use moisturiser daily? What does this suggest about Men's Health readers' view of masculinity?
73% of Men's Health readers use moisturiser daily and they collectively spend £168M on skincare per year. This suggests that the reader's of Men's Health view masculinity as taking care of yourself. This is a quite modern view, as using moisteriser can be seen as a feminine routine that traditional masculinity would not accept. 

12) What does the media pack suggest regarding the Men's Health audience for fitness and technology?
The Men's Health audience are clearly readers who value exercise, fitness and well being as they spend a lot on fitness wear (£238M) and 702K of them own a fitness device which shows that they are also advanced in technology.
13) Men's Health luxe is a series of magazines distributed with Men's Health targeting a specific aspect of the Men's Health audience. What are these three brand extension magazines called and what do they cover?

1) Urban Active- Produced in partnership with Harrods and showcasing the continuing trend for high-end performance fashion.

2) Synchronised- Annual watch special is produced with the industries leading horologists.

3) Epicure- Showcasing the best in food, drink, restaurants and kitchen skills for the men interested in cooking from scratch, provenance and fine dining

14) What do the Men's Health luxe magazines suggest about the demographics and psychographics of the Men's Health audience?
The Luxe magazines support the actual demographics of the magazine (ABC1 aged 25-44). Furthermore, their psychographics may be succeeders, explorers, and aspirers.

15) What additional brand extensions do Men's Health offer?
Men's Health offers a race (called 'Survival of the Fittest'), fitness equipment and fitness food (such as protein shakes, vitamins and healthy food)16) What are the global statistics for Men's Health?

17) What does the 2017 calendar editorial specials suggest about the Men's Health audience?
The editorial specials suggest that the audience is looking for new ways to become more stylish, physically active and more adventurous.
18) What audience pleasures are offered by the magazine?
The magazine features many audience pleasures from Blumler and Katz. Firstly surveillance is a key audience pleasure as the readers are learning new things from almost all pages of the magazine (this includes learning new exercises, new recipes, and new fashion trends). Personal identity is also really important as the readers are able to identify themselves with a model on the magazine and state that 'I look like that' or 'I aspire to be like that'.

Diversion and personal relationships are also audience pleasures as the magazine can be a source of escapism or entertainment for some audiences, especially if they feature a famous person who they look up to (e.g an athlete.)

19) What lifestyle and job would you expect the average Men's Health reader to have?
I would expect the average reader of Men's Health to have a large house with a good standard of living. I would imagine them to be a businessman who earns a lot of money.
20) Why do you think Men's Health has managed to remain profitable when many other magazines have struggled due to the rise of digital media?

I believe it has managed to remain profitable because of the fact that it is so diverse and covers many areas of lifestyle- food, fashion, tech, etc.


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